Amazon and UPS

So, I got up today and even though UPS doesn't usually get here until later in the day, I went and peeked out and saw a package!  I went and got it and it was this small flat box.  I thought that cannot be my Kindle!  It was from Amazon though so I opened it.  It was my Kindle! YAY!  I like the.enviroental packaging.  The Kindle comes in a slim box. It has the Kindle itself, a quick start guide, and a cord.  I opened everything and turned the Kindle on.  It turned on. YAY!  I got to set it up and play with it today.  I really like it.  I sideloaded the books I have on my computer in Calibre and Amazon automatically downloaded the books I had on the old Kindle that I had purchased from them.  I love that I can created collections like I did on my Kindle keyboard. I don't want just a bunch of book covers as organization. I put it on list view and then created a few collections. I still have several to go, but for now, I've already started a book!  

As I was looking around on the Amazon site, I saw a true crime book that looked good and it was borrowable via Prime reads.  I am seriously considering doing Kindle Unlimited again.  I knew when I was looking up a lot of zombie fiction, some of the titles I wanted were available to read on Kindle Unlimited, so I might just do that.  With the new Kindle,  I got an offer for a three-month free trial, so I'm probably going to do that.  I can decide at that time if I can find enough to read to warrant the expense. I'm thinking I probably will, but we'll see!

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